1. Forever?
2. A girl's best friend?
3. Absolutely necessary in your brewing life?
It's all of the above. This gem looks like a dazzling diamond in the sun, no point in trying to outshine it.
There are 3 levels in the design:
1 - Insulating level - the filter paper completely attached to the smooth top part of the dripper so water cannot get through.
2 - Brewing level - where the brewing action should take place.
3 - Powder level - the ground coffee will fill the bottom area which is less ribbed and more flume to encourage the water flow and thus reducing the chance of over extracting.
Capacity: 2-4 cups
Dimensions: Width 132mm (base width 116mm) x height 92mm
Weight: 150g
And yep, we got the V02 filters for when you run out.